August 02, 2011 (Canmore, AB) – After our big three week block of training with two stints on the Haig Glacier, most AWCA athletes were in need of some well deserved rest! This past week was a much anticipated rest week, I however spent most of it inside my tiny house, sleeping, and trying to recover from a cold I picked up last Monday. After pushing the body so hard for so long, my immune system was pretty weak. Sometimes things like this can be a blessing in disguise however.
Instead of taking off on the motorcycle and camping for the week, I was sleeping in Canmore (definitely the better recovery choice of the two, although not nearly as much fun!). One of my biggest weaknesses is saying yes too much, and cramming way too much into a short period of time. I have been guilty of this over the past month.
After house/dog sitting, watering plants and cutting grass for neighbors, going through a transition into my new job, and still trying to stay on top of my training load, my body had had enough. It shut down at the perfect time though, and as of today, the start of our next training block, I am back into the regular swing of training. For this next training block however, my number one priority is recovery. We have three big weeks ahead, plus a 10 day camp in Whistler, and if things on my end are anything like last month, I won’t make it to the second week!