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Annual NENSA Event Organizer & TD Seminar at Craftsbury – Dec. 4-6

release by NENSA
October 16, 2015 – This annual event is a must-do for any Venue, Race Director, Event Organizer looking to host a cross-country skiing event. The seminar runs Dec 4-6 at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center. Jim Rodrigues, USSA’s Eastern TD Liaison and NENSA’s TD Coordinator will lead the seminar along with a few guest speakers to facilitate a conversation on the most current issues facing host venues, organizing committees, race directors, and officials today.

All venues hosting NENSA EasternCup, U16 & Eastern High School Championship events, and the Bill Koch Festival in the upcoming season are required to have a representative attend. We highly recommend any venue hosting a competitive or any large event be represented.

This annual seminar is split into two parts, but everyone is encouraged to attend the entire program

a) For Race Directors, Event Organizers & anyone looking to host a ski event this winter (Sun)

b) Techincal Delagates (TD) looking to keep up with & discuss the latest rules & racing issues (Fri & Sat)

The Schedule:
* FRI Dec 4: 6pm – 9pm: TD Opening Meeting
* SAT Dec 5: 8am – 5pm: TD Session
* SUN Dec 6: OC Session (Organizing Committees, Race Directors, Venue Reps, Event  Hosts)

There will be a social event open to all on Saturday evening as well

The Agenda:
* Jury Work
* New Rules
* Sprint Competitions
* Groom Field Work
* Saturday Evening Social

NENSA & our national nordic communityar e looking for new Technical Delegates to join the ranks. This seminar is a great intoroduction for anyone interested in becomming a cross-country official!

Registration Info:
* Registration is a $5 donation for NENSA members.
* Cost is $15 for non-members.
* Click here to register!

Craftsbury Outdoor Center is offering a special rate to seminar attendees for room & board! Your double occupancy room w/ shared bath and your meals in the renowned Craftsbury dining hall are all covered or just $75 per night. Contact Jim Rodrigues (  to reserve your room.

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