February 15, 2010 – This has been a fun effort and not an easy one. I spent way more time doing this then I thought I would, but FIS
helped out dramatically with all of its scoring systems. I wish any of you entered in the SkiTrax 2010 Fantasy Contest all the best. My competition is to see who wins – me or Sports Illustrated – let’s get it on!Women’s 10 km free:
1. Bjorgen – Norway
2. Kalla – Sweden
3. Khazova – Russia
Men’s 15 km individual free:
1. Hellner – Sweden
2. Heikkinen – Finland
3. Northug – Norway
Women’s individual sprint classic
1. Kowalczyk – Poland
2. Falk – Sweden
3. Majdic – Slovakia
Men’s individual sprint classic
1. Hattestad – Norway
2. Joensson – Sweden
3. Cologna – Switzerland
Women’s 15 km pursuit (7. 5km classic and 7. 5km free)
1. Kowalczyk – Poland
2. Saarinen – Finland
3. Bjoergen – Norway
Men’s 30 km pursuit (15km classic and 15km free)
1. Northug – Norway
2. Bauer – Czech Republic
3. Cologna – Switzerland
Men’s Team Sprint free
1. Sweden
2. Russia
3. Norway
Women’s Team Sprint Free
1. Slovenia
2. Sweden
3. Norway
Men’s 4x10km relay classic/free
1. Russia
2. Norway
3. Sweden
Thursday, February 25
Women’s 4x5km relay classic/free
1. Russia
2. Norway
3. Sweden
Women’s 30km mass start classic
1. Kowalczyk – Poland
2. Stoermer – Norway
3. Majdic – Slovenia
Men’s 50km mass start classic
1. Northug – Norway
2. Teichman – Germany
3. Bauer – Czech Republic
Finally there will be a number of days where both teams, US and Canada, will not fill their quotas in races as these teams are too small. I hope they try to fill every spot they can as these guys might be future Beckie Scott’s and Sara Renner’s, when you think back to Nagano and what they didn’t do there.