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New Nordic Ski Montana Endurance Academy Launched in Bozeman

release by the Montana Endurance Academy

June 01, 2019 (Bozeman, MT) – We are thrilled to announce the launch of Montana Endurance Academy (MEA), an athletic endurance team recently organized in Bozeman. MEA’S focus will be on assisting in training plan implementation, goal-setting, and multi-sport all-season outdoor training that enables athletes to develop and succeed at all levels of competition. The primary focus of this season will be Nordic skiing.

Leading the academy are two co-directors, Dragan Danevski and Lina Hultin. Dragan is formally the head Nordic coach and program director for a local ski club since 1997. He has an MS in Exercise Physiology and a BS in Sports and Physical Education and has over 35 years of international Nordic ski coaching experience, spanning from youth development to elite international competition. During that period, Dragan has coached over 1000 skiers who have won more than 40 national championship titles with 35 of his skiers going on to compete at the NCAA level and three competing at the Olympics. Danevski was honored in 2002 as USSA’s Nordic Coach of the Year. Dragan’s vision for the new program is an accumulation of his years of success in coaching and athlete development. “I look forward to providing aspiring athletes a model that is led by example, encourages hard work and provides enjoyment through the process”.

MEA co-director Lina Hultin has been involved in racing and coaching in Sweden, Norway, and the United States which has provided Lina a multitude of diverse experiences as a student, skier, and coach. Lina has an MS in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition Science and a BS in Sports and Physical Education. When asked about her approach to coaching, Lina comments: “I’ve had the opportunity to approach athlete development through numerous methods and instructors. The accumulation of my cultural and academic experiences have provided a rich and diverse passion for coaching and athlete development.”

MEA’s vision is to offer an expanding variety of endurance sports training in the seasons to come. With decades of combined coaching experience and education, MEA has quickly gained the attention and support of many in the Bozeman Nordic Community.

Anticipated training date kick-off is Saturday, June 1st. More details about the programs offered and how to register will be available here.

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