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Homeland of Devon Kershaw

by Alannah Maclean, Marlee Clement & Andrew Kendall
August 10, 2009 (Sudbury, ON) – On July 28th Walden Fitness Club and Laurentian Nordic skiers met Canadian National Team members Chandra Crawford and Devon Kershaw, for most, the first time. Devon Kershaw, a Sudbury native, came back to his hometown to promote bike safety through the program ‘Share the Road’ and to raise funds for his quest to the Olympics in 2010 with a luncheon that he hosted. He and his girlfriend, Chandra, lead a ski practise for the two clubs before these events. For us, the young athletes and members of the ski teams, it was like a dream come true to meet two of our own elite Canadian heroes.

Devon and Chandra may be role models in skiing, but after three days of training and talking with them, we can also say that they are role models for everyday life. They were amazing to talk to and train with. Many of us were in awe when we first got to meet them both, but we quickly realized how down to earth and fun they were to be around. It was great to hear what they had to say about following your dreams and being relaxed and confident, because it is just what a young athlete wants to hear. We know that skiing is hard work, but it can’t be about grinding down on training all the time. There has to be some fun in it. Chandra and Devon reinforced this concept for us.

Their visit to Sudbury, or as Chandra called Sudbury the, “Homeland of Devon Kershaw”, was beneficial to everyone. It was great that these two Olympian skiers were able to take a week out of their busy schedule to come to Sudbury in the first place. Getting to train with them on our trails here in Sudbury, learning technique, and getting feedback from both Devon and Chandra on our ski walking and striding truly helped every athlete that was in attendance. We hope that this might become an annual meeting. We know that it motivated a lot of athletes of all ages to keep working hard and inspired many hearts. It encouraged many individuals to keep training to achieve their goals and dreams. To be with two of the best skiers that Canada has to offer was beyond any doubt a remarkable occasion.

The biggest lesson that we learned from Devon was to turn something negative into a positive. When something tragic happens or you have an upsetting race you cannot give up. He mentioned an accident which we all remember quite well. In 2001, Devon and the Manarin family lost somebody very special to them in a cycling accident, Sofie Manarin. Devon explained how the passing of his girlfriend was incredibly painful and how it changed his life. He went through a period where he wasn’t sure if he even wanted to ski anymore, and mentally, he couldn’t handle the incident. Although you can never recover from an event like this, you can turn the negative into a positive, which is exactly what Devon did. He said that this changed him into a new person. Devon developed a true passion for skiing and put all his efforts into that. He came out stronger for it. We need to know that we can learn from every obstacle that life throws at us, no matter how traumatizing or debilitating. It is possible to turn our weaknesses into strengths and become a stronger individual.

Everyone was overjoyed when we were able to get autographs and pictures with them. We all greatly enjoyed the experience of getting to hold, see and take pictures with Chandra’s gold medal. It really displayed what it means to be one of the best skiers in the world. We truly were able to understand the dedication, work, enthusiasm, as well as, the sense of overwhelming pride and accomplishment that goes along with a gold medal. It is like any time you are able to achieve one of your big goals, all your hard work and dedication becomes worth it, in the end achieving these goals is what motivates you to keep working and achieve bigger dreams.

Over these days Devon has made it clear to us that he was just like any of us and that he is where he is today because of the support and guidance of friends and coaches. By knowing this, many young athletes from Sudbury have learned that it is possible to go the Olympics even though you are from a small city. Devon Kershaw was just like us; he grew up with the same programs and opportunities. His motto is that success comes from those who are determined and really want it, so we shouldn’t be shy to have big dreams. Setting goals for yourself and accomplishing them brings you closer to achieving your dreams. That is why we want him to know that Sudbury is right behind him in his quest to “Target the Podium” and we will be following him in 2010 when he goes to compete in the most important race of his life.

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