Posted on 17 November 2011
Tags: CAAWS, health, leadership, physical activity, sport, women, workshop
November 17, 2011 (Ottawa, ON) – Women 55-70+ are a growing demographic group, warranting attention from Canada’s sport community. According to Statistics Canada, women 55-70+ will make up 20.4% of the entire Canadian female population by 2021. These `young seniors` do not want to slow down, in fact they want to do things they never had a chance to do, including sport and physical activity. This month’s Lunch and Learn will feature CAAWS’ successful Physical Activity and Sport for Women 55-70+ project, sharing the main challenges and solutions to participation for this age group, lessons learned through community-based pilot projects, and practical resources for sport and physical activity organizations. Shelley Callaghan, the project manager, will share stories and lead a discussion that will inspire you to take action on developing, enhancing or adapting services and programs for women 55-70+.
Please join CAAWS for this exciting professional development and networking gathering!
Thursday, December 1, 2011 12pm – 2pm *Lunch Included
Courtside B, RA Centre – 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa
Registration deadline: November 24, 2011
Due to high numbers of last minute cancellations and no shows, CAAWS has introduced a small fee for the popular Lunch and Learn events. Registration fees will help subsidize the overall cost of the event.
Workshop Cost: $15 (Includes Lunch)*
*Subsidies are available – please contact the CAAWS office for more information.
To register, please provide the info below to CAAWS by November 24, 2011
Mail: N202 – 801 King Edward Avenue, Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
Email: Fax: 613.562.5668
* VISA * Mastercard * Cheque – payable to CAAWS; please mail or deliver to the CAAWS office.
Name on Credit Card:
Credit Card Number:
Expiry Date: Security Code:
Note: Payments are refundable until Thursday, November 24, 2011.
Do you require a receipt for payment? * NO * YES (receipt will be provided at the event)
For more information please contact Karras Hagglund at or 613.562.5667
Posted on 16 December 2010
Tags: backcountry, Catamount Trail Association, CTA, expo, festival, nordic ski, photography, Trapp Family Lodge, vermont, workshop, XC skiing
December 16, 2010 (Burlington, VT) – The Catamount Trail Association has a great line-up of winter events for you to participate in this season, including a Ladies Nordic Ski Expo, the Catamount Trail Outdoor Winter Photography Workshop, and the Get Out and Backcountry Ski Festival. Read on for more details and how to register.
![Ladies Nordic Ski Expo – January 8 [P] Catamount Trail Association](
Ladies Nordic Ski Expo – January 8th at the Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, VT
If you are a woman and want to learn or improve your classic, skate, or backcountry technique, you wont find a better way to spend a winter day. This all-day clinic features some of the best women instructors in the East, helping you to fine tune your technique or teach you the basics of the sport. The day consists of three ski sessions, lunch, a backcountry slide show presentation by author David Goodman, and a wine and cheese social to top off a perfect day. This event is almost full with just 8 spots left to fill. Visit or call 802-864-5794 to register or for more information.
![Outdoor Winter Photography Workshop - Jan 14-16 [P] courtesy of Catamount Trail Association](
Catamount Trail Outdoor Winter Photography Workshop – Jan 14-16th at the Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, VT
Whether you are a passionate amateur photographer or an aspiring professional, well-known photographers Emily Johnson and Brian Mohr will give you all the tips and techniques needed to get the most out of your winter photos. Brian and Emily will lead participants on skis or snowshoes to the virgin snow of the backcountry to shoot everything from landscape to action photography under their experienced guidance. This two-day workshop will cover the following subjects:
– Winter Light – Being comfortable and creative with winter’s challenging and ever-changing light;
– Creative Compositions – Exploring focus, perspective, and composition with a variety of winter scenes;
– Exposure – Understanding and balancing shutter speed, aperture and ISO;
– Camera Handling – Tricks to making winter photography easy in the face of winter’s elements;
– Advanced Techniques – Action; Night/low-light; Macro-photography; Tri-pod use;
– Digital Workflow – Advice on how to store, organize, protect, process and display your photographs.
The workshop will include lodging, meals, and trail pass. Visit or call 802-864-5794 to register or for more information.
![Get Out and Backcountry Ski Festival - Jan. 23 [P] Catamount Trail Association](
Get Out and Backcountry Ski Festival – Jan 23rd at Bolton Valley Resort,VT
Designed for beginner to intermediate backcountry skiers, this popular full day event will promise to be another sell-out. Learn from expert backcountry instructors as they take you through a wide range of skills designed to improve everything from your telemark turns to maneuvering in unbroken powder. Try out demo skis, listen to talks on equipment and safety, and enjoy the end of the day social gathering with refreshments. The clinic includes instruction, trail pass, demo tryouts, and drinksl. Visit or call 802-864-5794 to register or for more information.
Posted on 15 December 2010
Tags: coach, development, education, parent, physical activity, physical literacy, sport for life, teacher, workshop
December 15, 2010 (Ottawa, ON) – We are excited to announce that registration for the 2011 CS4L Workshop is now underway! Secure your spot at the Workshop & receive an early bird rate of $160 by registering through the link below prior to December 20, 2010. This Workshop will take place at the Crowne Plaza in Ottawa, ON on Jan. 19-20. We are pleased to offer a discounted rate of $135 if you are attending with a group of five or more. Please email Danielle ( to receive the admin code.
A Pre-Workshop will be offered on January 18th targeted at municipal recreation at an additional cost of $40.
The deadline to book hotel rooms at the Crowne Plaza is December 20, 2010. All hotel information is included in the registration tool.
Register HERE.