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Tribute to Bonni Curran

release by the NNF
August 12, 2013 (Ketchum, Idaho) – Bonni Curran passed away Tuesday August 6th as the result of a tragic bike accident in Ketchum, Idaho. Bonni and her husband Peter have been key supporters of the NNF since it was reorganized in 2009. They recognized the value of supporting Nordic athletes and the value of hard work and productive lifestyles. Bonni was very active with her husband Peter in setting up Primary Care Clinics in impoverished nations around the world.

Both physicians, it was their way of giving back and making a difference in helping others help themselves. Bonni was equally at home in New York City or Ketchum, Idaho. Her friends were a wide range of people from her professional side of life as a physician/consultant to a fun loving crowd that enjoyed the great outdoors.

NNF Executive Director, Dave Knoop laments the loss of Bonni Curran explaining, “The town of Ketchum has a bit of a subdued feeling, it may be peak tourist season but you can see a certain look on many local faces that something is amiss. As a frequent visitor to the area, I can surmise that many are saddened that this happened to anyone on their streets but it is particularly painful that it happened to someone that everyone knew and loved.”

The Currans have not only supported the NNF but also the Galena Lodge, Middlebury College Ski Team, and Sun Valley Nordic ski programs.The NNF remains a grass roots fundraising organization and as such our connection with the nordic ski community from coast to coast has a lot to do with making personal face to face connections. It’s how we try and feel connected as ONE ski community and rally together in purpose and cause. With this in mind, we are truly saddened to learn of Bonni’s untimely passing. We also want to express our heartfelt condolences to her husband Peter and their two daughters Jessie and Cody.

SkiTrax joins NNF and the Nordic ski community in sending condolences to Bonnie’s family and friends.

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